Back to school, a return to reality that many dread! We remember those afternoon drinks, barbecues and other festivities! Back to school is also the return of good resolutions: here are our recommendations for unusual sports to try (and why not, to adopt ;)).


If you like to suffer (yes, SUFFER) and feel like you’re going to die at the end of each workout: crossfit is made for you. HIIT, gymnastics, weightlifting and surpassing oneself await you during each wod (workout of the day)!

Don’t forget your LIZ smart bottle which will keep your drink cold for 24 hours (you will need it!).

French Bootcamp:

Do you remember the article “How Do You Get Back Into Exercise After Lockdown”? That was from them! Our friends from French Bootcamp offer you HIIT sessions, in Paris, every week! If you are looking to feel better about yourself and train with a group of friends: FBC is made for you!

Each training session ends with a drink! Should this last data be added to the tracking of your body data that your smart body scale can provide? Unfortunately yes! (Find out the pros and cons of a smart scale ;))

Aerial Yoga:

Yoga is so 2019! Fly Yoga are poses to be performed on a hammock suspended in the air. Yes, in the air! Guys, if you think this is something only for girls: go try it out and we’ll talk about it;)

Bubble Football:

Finally, a sport for fans of the round ball: Bubble football! Arm yourself with your bubble and try to score a goal without getting hit. We tried it and it literally turned our brains over! Cardio cardio cardio!

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